Pubg Maintenance
pubg maintenance

pubg maintenance

Can this be moved to some time other than prime time on a weeknight Thanks for the consideration. Hate the unexpected maintenance. PUBG Maintenance times Love the game. Maintenance for this patch started on Sept 15th, 9:00pm PDT / Sept 16th, 6:00am CEST / Sept 16th, 1. Officially though, this is the same 13.2 patch that came out for the PC version just a few days ago.

Pubg Maintenance Update Will Be

The only downside to the deployment of patch 13.2 is the lengthy amount. Console Live servers will undergo maintenance for approximately 7 hours on Sept 15th, 9:00pm PDT / Sept 16th, 6:00am CEST / Sept 16th, 1:00pm KST.PUBG: Battlegrounds is set to receive a brand new update today (September 7), officially bringing the game to version 13.2. The upcoming update will be released on September 16, 2021, for consoles. PUBG Corp has scheduled live PC server maintenance for Tuesday night to apply the upcoming Season 5 update.PUBG Console 13.2 Patch Notes comes with a new gun, map, and many new features.— PUBG Europe October 21, 2019Although PUBG console players won't see Update 5.1 and Season 5 until they hit live servers Oct. When servers come back online, players will be able to jump into PUBG Update 5.1 for the first time.PC Players: Live servers will undergo maintenance on October 23 starting 02:30am CEST in order to apply Update 5.1. ET and will last an estimated eight hours, according to a tweet by PUBG Europe's official Twitter account.

Among the new additions are a Miramar re-work, Miramar-exclusive vending machines dispensing painkillers and energy drinks, throwable weapons and healing items, and Survivor Pass: Badlands. The week of lag time is the result of a focused effort to reduce the time difference between PC and console content updates.PUBG Update 5.1 will bring plenty of new content when it hits live servers.

pubg maintenance